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Section of Laboratory Management

1. To take liability for integrated coordination and management, including office work concerned with seals, letters of recommendation, fund books, files, property, minutes and document circulation, as well as external liaison, letter and visit reception, publicity and report, website maintenance and statistics collection.

2. To implement national laws, regulations and relevant policies. Establish and improve the laboratory safety responsibility system and management regulations based on the characteristics and reality of laboratory.;

3. To be responsible for the plan, construction and management of the informationized laboratory management. Collect and report all kinds of laboratory information;

4. To conduct educational activities and training about laboratory safety, keep improving the safety knowledge such as classification, hierarchical learning and assessment for laboratory personnel, and reinforce laboratory safety culture;

5. To carry out safety inspections and release announcements regularly with an inspection team including both full-time and part-time members;

6. To construct and manage the team of technical staff. Assist with work including personnel quota, rewards and punishment, and position appraisal and employment. To help conduct medical examinations and manage health records for special position personnel, as well as implement and manage health allowance;

7. To assist with the construction work such as laboratory planning, declaration and upgrading;

8. To accomplish other assignments arranged by the superior.

Tel: 025-84395175

Section of Laboratory Equipment and Material Management

1. To stipulate regulations on purchasing scientific research instruments and equipment for teaching, materials and labor service ,along with establishing the work flow based on relevant government regulations and the spirit of related school documents;

2. To take responsibilities for the inquiry and purchase of scientific research instruments and equipment for teaching, materials and labor service. Participate in the compilation, bid opening and bid evaluation of procurement documents of equipment (which is worth over 100,000yuan), and offer suggestions about large equipment purchasing;

3. To check, maintenance and repair of large instruments and equipment, offer suggestions whether scrap the damaged equipment (which is worth over 100,000yuan), and periodically evaluate the use efficiency of large instruments and equipment;

4. To administrate the construction and operation of the large instruments and equipment sharing management system, open services to users both inside and outside the university. Coordinate with national, provincial and municipal large equipment platforms and sharing systems;

5. To take charge in customs declaration, exemption from duty, commodity inspection, claim for compensation and file management of imported and donated instruments and equipment, and assist in the tax refund process of domestic equipment;

6. To accomplish other assignments arranged by the superior.

Tel: 025-84395293

Section of Dangerous Chemicals and Environmental Protection

1. To set, perfect, and implement regulations on laboratorial technical safety and environment protection based on national laws and regulations and rules laid by superior departments;

2. To take charge in the procurement, acceptance and distribution management of common chemical reagents and dangerous chemicals (precursor chemicals, explosive chemicals and highly toxic chemicals. Strengthen supervision on the management of dangerous goods warehouses and the storage of dangerous chemicals, and regulate gas procurement and storage;

3. To reinforce the qualification management of laboratories concerned with biosafety and radiation safety. Regulate the work procedure of feeding and purchasing the laboratory animals, purchasing and storing the pathogenic microorganism and radioactive sources, and disposing of the radioactive waste;

4. To strengthen the publicity, training, supervision and management of the separate collection, temporary storage and disposal of dangerous laboratory waste, and support relevant facilities and materials;

5. To strengthen technical and safety inspections of warning marks, operating rules, safety protection equipment, emergence handling and special equipment, and urge relevant colleges to guarantee normal operation of the facilities concerned with laboratory safety;

6. To assist to carry out education, training and safety inspections on laboratory safety and environmental protection;

7. To accomplish other assignments arranged by the superior.

Tel: 025-84396172

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