Job Vacancies at Nanjing Agricultural University-国际合作与交流处美高梅正规网址



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    Job Vacancies at Nanjing Agricultural University

    信息来源:美高梅正规网址- 发布日期:2011-10-14


    Dean, College of Agriculture

    Dean, College of Life Sciences

    Nanjing Agricultural University invites applications for two separate positions: Dean of the College of Agriculture and Dean of the College of Life Sciences.

    Nanjing Agricultural University is a national key university under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. While agriculture and life sciences have historically been the university’s core strengths, NAU’s educational mission today encompasses a broad range of academic disciplines including science, economics, management, engineering, law and the arts. NAU is a 211 Project institution and one of the Innovation Platforms for Outstanding Disciplines under the 985 Excellence Initiative Project launched by China’s Ministry of Education. With a 110-year history, Nanjing Agricultural University is committed to a blueprint for developing into a world leader among agricultural universities and is today rapidly growing into an open, multi-disciplinary, and research-oriented university.

    Responsibilities of the Dean

    · Leading the administration and management of the college

    · Guiding development strategies of the college

    · Building an outstanding team of faculties and staff

    · Promoting the internationalization and reputation of the college

    · Driving progress in teaching, research, and social service in the college.

    Qualifications, Motivations and Attributes

    · PhD in a relevant discipline

    · Professor or similar position in a university or research institution

    · Experience in administration and management in higher educational institutions preferred

    · Leading-edge views on education and administration

    · Distinctive leadership style

    · Strong reputation in related research area

    · Dedicated to the field of education

    · Observe the Constitution and relevant laws of the People’s Republic of China

    · Fluent in Chinese and English

    · Committed to working at NAU for no less than 9 months per year during the contract term

    Outstanding Chinese scholars in the PRC and other countries are welcome to apply. Experts listed in the Recruitment Program of Global Experts, professors in the Changjiang Scholars Program, recipients of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, and recipients listed in other talent programs will be given priority consideration.

    How to apply

    Please send required documents via correspondence or email to the NAU Talent Recruitment & Service Office ( before December 31, 2011.

    Documents required for application must include: curriculum vitae, PhD degree certificate, current employment certificate, academic achievements during the previous five years, and a working plan for college development. Other documents may be requested as necessary.

    Interviews will be conducted on the NAU campus in Nanjing. Selected candidates for both positions will be invited to the NAU campus for a one-week tour and orientation prior to the interview. NAU will pay flight and accommodation expenses for all invited candidates during the interview process.

    The successful candidates for both positions will sign an employment contract and be appointed before September 1st, 2012.

    Contract Term and Salary

    The contract term will be either three or four years, to be negotiated by both parties. At the end of the term, a renewal of the contract will be discussed.

    During the contract term, the successful candidates will be provided with working conditions and benefits under the Zhongshan Scholars scheme at NAU. Salary, housing allowance, research funding and laboratory facilities will be discussed during the interview.


    Contacts: MAO Weihua

    YANG Jian

    Mailing Address: Talent Recruitment & Service Office

    Nanjing Agricultural University

    No 1, Weigang, Nanjing, China

    Post Code: 210095

    Tel: (86) 25-84395370

    Fax: (86) 25-84395361


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