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  • 日期:2019-12-17
  • 编辑:岳志颖
  • 浏览次数:

题  目:Emerging Research Issues in Food Marketing and Distribution: Current research efforts and future areas of promising research

报告人:美国康奈尔Dyson应用经济与管理学院Dr. Miguel I. Gomez副教授

时  间:2019年12月18日(周三)下午14:00

地  点:美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)经济管理学院第三实验楼1101



Dr. Miguel I.Gomez has a MS and a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Illinois.He is the Robert G. Tobin Associate Professor in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University. He is Director of the Food Industry Management Program, which is globally recognized as the premier food industry education and research program. Prof. Gómez concentrates his research and outreach program on the economics food marketing and distribution. He has 85 publications in highly peer reviewed journals and his work has over 3,000 citations in Google Scholar.



The global food system is facing the formidable challenge of feeding a growing population (reaching nearly 10 Billion in 2050) with scarcer critical production resources (i.e., water, land, labor, among others). This presentation will provide an overview of food and agricultural economic research led by Prof. Gómez’s research group aimed at identifying food system strategies to address such challenges. The presentation will illustrate a variety of current projects to understand the forces shaping the structure of food supply chains including production, distribution, processing, retailing and consumption. The presentation will discuss such topics as bioeconomic models to identify optimal strategies to control the impact of invasive species by farmers, tradeoffs and complementarities between economic and on-economic outcomes (environmental, social, nutritional) in food supply chains, consumer demand response to sustainability attributes of food products, and the changing dynamics of the supermarket sector, among others.