IFS-SEARCA Collaborative Research Grants 2016-美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)经济管理学院-www.9844.com


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IFS-SEARCA Collaborative Research Grants 2016
  • 日期:2016-01-25
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Dear all:

Sharing with you the announcement below from the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture on the IFS-SEARCA Collaborative Research GrantsThe grant is open to early-career scientists and researchers from SEAsia (except Brunei and Singapore). This is a first in Southeast Asia, wherein eligible researchers who expressed EOI will be invited to an online platform called Chatter where they can find like-minded individuals and form teams of 3 to 5 persons, and together develop joint proposal on topic of common interest. The focus of the grant are researches on the various aspects of climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Attached are the Call for EOI and background information about the grant. The deadline for the EOI is 31 January 2016. This is not yet call for proposal but a simple form to fill up  - follow this link for the form http://www.ifs.se/crg-forms/crg-2016-expression-of-interest.html

Best regards,

The Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia

Strengthening local capacity in the economic analysis of environmental issues