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Forum on China and Korea FTA
  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 编辑:
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Opportunity always be side with Challenge

——Forum on China and Korea FTA


Time: 14:00, 9 December, 2014.

Place:5046 Yifu Building (College of Economics and Management)

Opening Remarks:

Prof. Ding Yanfeng(Vice President of NAU)

Prof. Zhou Yingheng(Director of Sector of Humanity and Social Science, NAU)

Chair:Prof. Zhu Jing (Dean of College of Economics and Management, NAU)



1Lee Byung-Oh, Professor of Kangwon National University, Korea.

“Korea FTA Negotiations on Agricultural Sector”

“Characteristics of Korea-China FTA on Agriculture Sector”

2Chen Shumei, Professor of South East University

“Wither China: TPP, FTAAP, and/or RCEP?”

3Sun Lin, Professor of Zhejiang University of Technology

“China-ASEAN FTA and Grain Security”

4Wang Xuejun, Associate Professor of Nnajing Agricultural University

“Potential Impacts of China-Korea and China-Australia FTA and on China’s Agriculture”