EXTENDED DEADLINE: Economics of Climate Change Conference-美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)经济管理学院-www.9844.com


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EXTENDED DEADLINE: Economics of Climate Change Conference
  • 日期:2013-12-04
  • 编辑:
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Dear Sirs/Madams:

We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for the submission of abstracts for those interested in participating in the EEPSEA "Conference on Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia" has been extended to 18 December 2013.

For more information about the conference, please visit: http://www.eepsea.net/ccecon2014

We would appreciate it if you could circulate this to your colleagues and/or within your university.

Very truly yours,

Mia V. Mercado
Program Assistant
Economy & Environment Program for Southeast Asia