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  • 日期:2012-12-13
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报告题目: How Should Surveys be Done? By Mail or Online? (不同方式消费者调查数据的质量比较)


报告人:胡武阳 教授(美国肯塔基大学农业经济系)





胡武阳,男,1976年出生于北京。于2004年获得加拿大阿尔伯塔大学农业与资源经济学博士学位。现任美国肯塔基大学农业经济系副教授(将于2013年初破格晋升正教授),于2011年起担任SCISSCI期刊 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (暂译 加拿 大农业经济)主编,并于2012年起担任美国农业与应用经济协会中国区主席。研究兴趣包括消费经济学,行为经济学,市场营销,应用计量经济学,以及环境资源经济学。在美国农业经济加拿大农业经济欧洲农业经济评论, 海洋资源经济增长与变化环境经济学等多家国际SCISSCI杂志公开发表论文近五十篇,主持中国,美国,及加拿大各级政府与组织项目逾二百万美元。


Wuyang Hu, male, born in Beijing China 1976, earned his PhD in agricultural and resource economics from the University of Alberta, Canada in 2004. He is currently associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky (full professorship pending in early 2013). Starting 2011, he is a co-editor of the SCI/SSCI journal Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. In 2012, he was also elected as Chair of the China Section under the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Dr. Hu’s research focuses on consumer economics, behavioral economics, marketing, applied econometrics, and environmental and resource economics. He has published nearly fifth academic articles in journals such as the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, the European Review of Agricultural Economics, Marine Resource Economics, Growth and Change, and Environmental Economics. He has received over $2 million in research funding from various governmental and business entities in China, the U.S., and Canada.


