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  • 日期:2021-10-18
  • 编辑:岳志颖
  • 浏览次数:

题  目:Quantifying the Pollution Haven: An Existing Effect but an Unsupported Hypothesis


时  间:2021年10月21日(周四)下午2:00

地  点:腾讯会议ID:444 525 320



段玉婉,女,中央财经大学副教授。研究方向为国际贸易,环境,经济地理。研究成果先后发表在《世界经济》、《管理科学学报》、《中国工业经济》等国内期刊,以及《Journal of Public Economics》、《Economic Systems Research》、《Energy Economics》、《Ecological Economics》、《China Economic Review》等国际期刊。主持国家自然科学基金1项、北京市社会科学基金项目1项。荣获国际投入产出学会Sir Richard Stone Prize,陈锡康投入产出奖等。


We develop a general equilibrium trade model with pollution as a by-product of production to study the interaction between international trade and the environment. We quantitatively evaluate two related hypotheses: the Pollution Haven Effect (PHE), which states that environmental regulation is a comparative advantage force, and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH), which states that a reduction in trade barriers causes pollution-intensive industries to concentrate in countries with weak environmental stringency. Our results suggest that, even though the PHE exists, the PHH is unsupported. This is because that environmental policy stringency, as a crucial determinant of pollution emission and abatement, is weak in determining international specialization. By comparing environmental stringency with other determinants of international trade, we identify productivity and trade cost as the major forces that suppress the PHE, resulting in the failure of the PHH. In addition, strategic environmental policy is an ineffective substitute for trade policy yet bears serious environmental consequences. Without international coordination and cooperation, a reduction in trade costs will induce more worldwide pollution emission even though countries will experience higher income levels.