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发布时间:2015-09-07 文章出处:       文章作者:www.9844.com-       浏览次数:

        职       务:共性关键技术创新平台主任

        姓       名:张文利

        学       历:博士




        教授,博导。 2005年在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所获遗传学博士学位。2006.4-2008.12 在美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校园艺系(Horticulture Department,University of Wisconsin-Madison)从事博士后 (Research Associate)。 2009.1-2012.11作为副研究员 (Associate Scientist) 继续在美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校园艺系工作。2012年12月作为高层次人才受聘于美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)农学院作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室。2014年,被聘为美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校园艺系的“Honorary Associate/Fellow”。目前在《Plant Physiology》、《Plant Cell》、《Genome Research》、《PNAS》、《Chromosoma》等杂志上公开发表第一作者或共同第一作者论文12篇。参编学术专著三篇,以受邀报告人身份参加国际会议(PAG,Plant & Animal Genomic Conference)两次。2013年获得美国威斯康辛大学农业与生命科学学院2012-2013年度“杰出研究人员奖”(Academic Staff Excellence in Research Awards)。2014年受邀作为美国NSF“植物基因组项目(Plant Genome)”评审人。






Zhang WL, Zhang T, Wu YF, Jiang JM (2014). Open chromatin in plant genomes. Cytogenetic and Genome Research.143(1-3):18-27.

Zhang T*, Talbert PB*, Zhang WL*, Wu YF, Yang ZJ, Henikoff J, Henikoff S, Jiang JM. 2013. The CentO satellites confers translational and rotational phasing on cenH3 nucleosomes in rice centromeres. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA E4875–E4883 (*Co-first author).

Yi CD*, Zhang WL*, Dai XB, Li X, Gong ZY, Zhou Y, Liang GH, Gu MH. 2013. Identification and diversity of functional centromere satellite in the wild rice species Oryza brachyantha. Chromosome Res. 21(8):725-37. (*Co-first author).

Zhang WL, Zhang T, Wu YF, and Jiang JM. 2012b. Genome wide identification of regulatory DNA elements and protein-binding footprints using signatures of open chromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, 24: 2719-2731

Zhang WL, Wu YF, Schnable JC, Zeng ZX, Freeling M, Crawford GE, and Jiang JM. 2012a.High-resolution mapping of open chromatin in the rice genome. Genome Res. 22: 151-162.

Zhang WL, Friebe B, Gill BS, and Jiang JM. 2010. Centromere inactivation and epigenetic modifications of a plant chromosome with three functional centromeres. Chromosoma 119: 553-63.

Zhang WL, Wai C, Ming R, Yu Q, and Jiang J. 2010. Integration of genetic and cytological maps and development of a pachytene chromosome-based karyotype in papaya. Tropical Plant Biology 3: 166-70.

Lu JY*, Zhang WL *, Xue H, Pan Y, Zhang CH, He XH, and Liu M. 2010. Changes in AFLP and SSR DNA polymorphisms induced by short-term space flight of rice seeds. Biol. Plantarum 54: 112-116. (*Co-first author)

Zhang WL, Wang XE, Yu QY, Ming R, and Jiang JM. 2008.DNA methylation and heterochromatinization in the male-specific region of the primitive Y chromosome of papaya. Genome Res. 18: 1938-1943.

Zhang WL, Lee H-R, Koo D-K, Jiang JM. 2008. Epigenetic modification of centromeric chromatin: Hypomethylation of DNA sequences in the CENH3-associated chromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana and maize. Plant Cell 20: 25-34.

Zhang WL, Yi CD, Bao WD, Liu B, Cui JJ, Yu HX, Cao XF, Gu MH, Min Liu, and Cheng ZK. 2005. The Transcribed 165-bp CentO is the major functional centromeric element in the wild rice species Oryza punctata. Plant Physiol. 139: 306-315. 


Zhang WL and Jiang JM (2015). Genome-wide mapping of DNaseI hypersensitive sites in plants.  In: Methods in Molecular Biology:Plant Functional Genomics. 1284:71-89. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2444-8_4.

Zhang WL and Jiang JM (2014) Molecular Cytogenetics of Papaya. In: Genetics and Genomics of Papaya. Ray M and Moore P (ed.) Springer p157-167, ISBN: 978-1-4614-8086-0 (Print) 978-1-4614-8087-7

Walling JG, Zhang WL, and Jiang JM. (2013) Fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques in rice. In: Methods in Molecular Biology: Rice Protocols. Y. Yang (ed.). The Humana Press Inc. Volume 956, 2013, pp 13-27