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(1).   专著:Estimating leaf nitrogen concentration of  cereal crops with hyperspectral data. In: Prasad ST, John GL, Alfredo H. (eds.)  Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation. CRC Press, FL, USA.  2011.187-206.(参编)

(2).   专著:数字农作技术. 科学出版社. 2008.(参编)

(3).   教材:农业信息化技术导论.中国农业科学技术出版社. 2009.(参编)


(1)     X.  Yao, H. Ren, ZH. Cao, Y. Tian, W. Cao, Y.  Zhu*, T. Chen. 2014. Monitoring leaf nitrogen content in wheat with canopy  hyperspectrum as influenced by soil background. International Journal of Applied  Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 32 , 114-124

(2)     X.  Yao,WQ. Jia, HY. Si, ZQ. Guo, YC. Tian, XJ.  Liu, WX. Cao, Y. Zhu*. 2014. Monitoring Leaf Equivalent Water  Thickness based on Hyperspectrum in Wheat under Different Water and Nitrogen  Treatments. PLOS ONE. 9(6):1-11

(3)     Xia  Yao, Syed Tahir Ata-Ul-Karim, Yan Zhu,  Yongchao Tian, Xiaojun Liu, Weixing Cao*. 2014. Development of critical nitrogen  dilution curve in rice based on leaf dry matter. European Journal of Agronomy.  55: 20– 28. (SCI)

(4)     Xia  Yao, Ben Zhao, YongChao Tian, XiaoJun Liu, Jun  Ni, WeiXing Cao, Yan Zhu*. 2014. Using leaf dry matter to quantify the critical  nitrogen dilution curve for winter wheat in eastern China. Field Crops Research.  159: 33–42. (SCI)

(5)   姚霞,田永超,倪军,张玉森,曹卫星,朱艳.水稻叶片色素含量近红外光谱估测模型研究. 分析化学. 2012. 40(4). 589-595.  (SCI) 

(6)     Yao X,  Zhu Y, Tian  YC, Liu XJ, and Cao WX. 2010. Exploring hyperspectral  bands and estimation indices for leaf nitrogen accumulation in wheat. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and  Geoinformation. 12(2): 89-100.  (SCI)

(7)     Yao  X, Feng W,  Zhu  Y,  Tian YC, and Cao WX. 2007. A non-destructive and real-time method  of monitoring leaf nitrogen status in wheat. New Zealand of Agricultural  Research. 50: 935-942. (SCI)

(8)    Ben Zhao, Xia Yao, YongChao Tian, XiaoJun Liu,  Syed Tahir Ata-UI-Karim, Jun Ni, WeiXing Cao, Yan Zhu*. 2014. New Critical  Nitrogen Curve Based on Leaf Area Index for Winter Wheat. (2014) Agronomy  Journal. 106(2):379-389. (SCI)

(9)    Syed Tahir  Ata-Ul-Karim, Xia Yao, Xiaojun Liu, Weixing Cao, Yan Zhu*.  2013. Development of critical nitrogen dilution curve of Japonica rice in  Yangtze River Reaches. Field Crops Research. 149 :149–158.  (SCI)

(10)  Xinfeng Yao, Xia Yao, Wenqing Jia, Yongchao Tian,  Jun Ni, Weixing Cao, and Yan Zhu* . 2013. Comparison and Intercalibration of  Vegetation Indices from Different Sensors for Monitoring Plant Nitrogen Uptake  in Wheat. Sensors. 13(3):3109-3130(SCI)

(11)  Xinfeng Yao, Xia Yao, Yongchao Tian, Jun Ni,  Weixing Cao, and Yan Zhu*. 2013.  A New Method to Determine Central Wavelength  and Optimal Bandwidth for Predicting Plant Nitrogen Uptake in Wheat. Journal of  Integrative Agriculture. 12(5): 101-115(SCI)

(12)   Wang W, Yao  X, Yao XF, Tian YC, Liu XJ, Ni J, Cao WX and Zhu Y. 2012. Estimating leaf  nitrogen concentration with three-band vegetation indices in rice and wheat.  Field Crops Research. 129: 90–98.  (SCI)

(13)  Wang W, Yao X, Liu XJ, Tian YC, Ni J, Cao WX and  Zhu Y*. 2012.  Common spectral bands and optimum vegetation indices for  monitoring leaf nitrogen accumulation in rice and wheat. Journal of Integrative  Agriculture. 11(12): 101-108. (SCI)

(14)   Tian YC, Yao  X, Yang J, Cao WX, Hannaway DB, Zhu Y. 2011. Assessing newly developed and  published vegetation indices for estimating rice leaf nitrogen concentration  with ground- and space-based hyperspectral reflectance. Field Crops Research,  120: 299-310. (SCI)

(15)   Feng W, Yao  X, Zhu Y, Tian YC, Cao  WX. 2008. Monitoring leaf nitrogen status  with hyperspectral reflectance in wheat. European Journal of Agronomy. (28):  394-404. (SCI)

(16)   Feng W, Yao  X, Tian YC, Cao WX, and Zhu Y. 2008. Monitoring leaf pigment status with  hyperspectral remote sensing in wheat. Australian Journal of Agricultural  Research. (59): 748-760. (SCI)

(17)   Zhu Y, Yao  X, Tian YC, Liu XJ, Cao WX. 2008. Analysis of common canopy vegetation  indices for indicating leaf nitrogen accumulations in wheat and rice.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. (10):  1-10. (SCI)

(18)  姚霞,刘小军,王薇,倪军,曹卫星,朱艳.小麦氮素无损监测仪敏感波长的最佳波段宽度研究.农业机械学报.2011,42(2):162-167.  (EI)

(19)  姚霞,汤守鹏,田永超,曹卫星,朱艳.应用近红外光谱估测小麦叶片氮含量. 植物生态学报. 2011. 35 (8): 844-852.

(20)   姚霞,田永超,刘小军,曹卫星,朱艳.不同算法红边位置监测小麦冠层氮素营养指标的比较.中国农业科学.2010,43(13):2661-2667.

(21)   姚霞,刘小军,王薇,田永超,曹卫星,朱艳.基于减量精细采样法探究估算小麦叶片氮积累量的最佳归一化光谱指数.应用生态学报.2010,21(12):3175-3182.

(22)  姚霞,朱艳,冯伟,田永超,曹卫星.监测小麦叶片氮积累量的新高光谱特征波段及比值植被指数.光谱学与光谱分析.2009,29(8):2191-2195.  (SCI/EI)

(23)   姚霞,朱艳,田永超,冯伟,曹卫星.小麦叶层氮含量估测的最佳高光谱参数研究.中国农业科学.2009,42(8):2716-2725.

(24)   姚霞,吴华兵,朱艳,田永超,周治国,曹卫星.棉花功能叶片色素含量与高光谱参数的相关性研究.棉花学报.2007,19(4):267-272.

(25)   冯伟,姚霞,田永超,朱艳,李映雪,曹卫星.基于高光谱遥感的小麦叶片糖氮比监测.中国农业科学.2008,41(6):1630-1639.

(26)   冯伟,姚霞,田永超,朱艳,刘小军,曹卫星.小麦籽粒蛋白质含量高光谱预测模型研究.作物学报.2007,33(12):1935-1942.

(27)   张玉森,姚霞,田永超,曹卫星,朱艳.应用近红外光谱预测水稻叶片氮含量.植物生态学报.2010,34(6):704-712.


(1)     一种基于三波段光谱指数估测植物氮含量的方法,已授权,发明专利, ZL  201110278513.5,朱艳,姚霞,王薇,曹卫星,田永超,倪军,刘小军,孙传范

(2)     一种基于光谱技术的小麦叶片糖氮比快速检测方法,已授权,发明专利, ZL  201010543330.7,朱艳,姚霞,倪军,田永超,汤守鹏,王薇,曹卫星

(3)     一种稻麦叶片氮含量光谱监测模型建模方法,已授权,发明专利,ZL 201110033113.8   ,曹卫星,王薇,姚霞,朱艳,倪军,田永超,刘小军

(4)     一种确定小麦植株吸氮量核心波段的方法,已受理,发明专利, 201210109597.4 ,姚霞,朱艳,姚鑫锋,田永超,倪军,曹卫星,

(5)     一种土壤背景干扰下小麦叶层氮含量光谱监测模型及建模方法,已受理,发明专利,201310215439.1,姚霞,朱艳,任海建,田永超,曹卫星,孙传范

(6)     一种小麦叶片等效水厚度高光谱监测方法,已受理,发明专利,201310382064.8,姚霞,朱艳,贾雯晴,田永超,刘小军,倪军,曹卫星

(7)     一种基于冠层高光谱指数的小麦植株水分监测方法,已受理,发明专利,201110368757.2,朱艳,姚霞,韩刚,田永超,刘小军,王薇,倪军,曹卫星

(8)     一种不同植株氮含量水平下小麦植株含水率的监测方法,已受理,发明专利,201310422607.4,朱艳,姚霞,贾雯晴,田永超,刘小军,倪军,曹卫星

(9)     一种根据小麦植株吸氮量核心波长确定适宜带宽的方法,已受理,发明专利,       201210109596.X ,朱艳,姚鑫锋,姚霞,田永超,倪军,曹卫星


(1).      基于模型的作物生长预测与精确管理技术.国家科技进步二等奖,2008年

(2).      作物管理知识模型系统的构建与应用.中国高校科技进步一等奖,2007年